Create a Raspberry Pi Wayland Kiosk for your home lab dashboard setup and have a kiosk to monitor your self-hosted services, vmware, proxmox, etc Source: Raspberry Pi Wayland Kiosk for Home Lab Dashboard
Virtueller Kaffee und Themen rund um IT, Ops, Dev, Homelabs und Wolken…
Aka Monitoring for Metrics, Logs, Traces
Create a Raspberry Pi Wayland Kiosk for your home lab dashboard setup and have a kiosk to monitor your self-hosted services, vmware, proxmox, etc Source: Raspberry Pi Wayland Kiosk for Home Lab Dashboard
openITCOCKPIT is a configuration interface for Nagios, Naemon and Prometheus. It is an easy to use yet still deep tool. Source:
Learn how to benchmark your VMware datastore performance with VDBench. Test and stress your storage I/O workloads for best performance Source: VDBench to Benchmark your VMware Datastore
Learn how to spin up an Arpwatch docker container to monitor your Ethernet network with a Network ARP monitor Source: Arpwatch Docker Container Network Monitor –
Learn about VMware monitoring for free with Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf, and Kapacitor, and Grafana on top for visualizations Source: VMware Monitoring for Free with Telegraf InfluxDB and Grafana
Find out how to set up a monitoring stack using the Tick stack with Docker Compose. Learn about the open-source tools and their role in processing time-series data. Source: TICK Stack with Docker Compose Example
openITCOCKPIT is a configuration interface for Nagios, Naemon and Prometheus. It is an easy to use yet still deep tool. Source:
Langsame Pipelines, blockierte Reviews, Abbrüche: Um diese Probleme in CI/CD-Pipelines zu lösen, gibt es bewährte Tools und Observability-Praktiken. Source: Probleme erkennen und lösen: Observability-Praxis im CI/CD-Prozess