- Starting with an Ubuntu 24 VM on Nutanix or Proxmox and Docker installed
- Deploying SuSE Rancher via docker run…..
docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --privileged rancher/rancher:latest
- See: https://ranchermanager.docs.rancher.com/getting-started/installation-and-upgrade/other-installation-methods/rancher-on-a-single-node-with-docker
5. Make Sure to have an ISO Template for the Node VMs in Nutanix available!

I use Ubuntu Server Cloud Image in this example. Just download it from here: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/
6. Enable Now Nutanix NodeDriver in ClusterManagement / Drivers / Node Drivers

Use the following Settings for the Node Driver:

Find Details here: https://github.com/nutanix/docker-machine. Do a Copy/Paste for URLs etc. from the Github Site!
7. Configure Nutanix PrismCentral Credentials under ClusterManagement/RKE1Config/Node Templates to Reach Nutanix

7a) Type in Credentials to PrismCentral here! PrismElement should work also

7b) Select your Cluster in Nutanix

Check the Clustername in Nutanix (PC or PE)
PrismElement shows it in the left upper corner:

In PrismCentral you will find the name in the Infrastructure Section / Hardware / Clusters

7c) Configure CPU / Memory / Used Template and DiskSize

Two Sections are a little bit tricky here:
- Template Image Name

In PrismElement navigate to Settings/Image Configuration and make a HiveOver with your Mouse to the necessary Imagae. The full name will be displayed

In PrismCentral you will find the Full Name of the Image in Infrastructure / Computer / Images

2. Storage Container
Rancher and the Nutanix Plugin are a little bit strange her. You have to fill in the ID of storage container to use!
I just opened a ssh session to a running cvm and do a ncli container list to see all storage containers:

Add the end select the right network.
In PrismElement search for in under Settings/Network Configuration

In PrismCentral you will find your networks under Infrastructure / Network & Security / Subnets:

In the block of Cloud Config YAML you could modified some settings for the used images. But that is a seperate point, how to work with that. Just let it blank for your first try!

8. Create your Kubernetes Cluster running in Nutanix:

Creating will run (depending on your environment) up to 20 Minutes:
Result in Nutanix:

9. Download Kubeconfig and maintaine in a favorite tool like k9s or headlamp (https://headlamp.dev/)

10. Find out more details in the good suse documentation: https://ranchermanager.docs.rancher.com/reference-guides/cluster-configuration/downstream-cluster-configuration/node-template-configuration/nutanix