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Quelle: Repository – powershell-basic-cheat-sheet2.pdf
Microsoft periodically updates the PowerShell Cmdlet Library for System Center Configuration Manager and then subsequently updates the central resource. The resource is the following page in the … Quelle: The System Center Configuration Manager PowerShell Cmdlet Library
Quelle: Powershell: Everything you wanted to know about hashtables
Quelle: Verwenden von Windows PowerShell
A guide for making your PowerShell prompt pop with ConEmu, Quake mode, a customized and colored prompt and a nice Git setup. Quelle: Ultimate PowerShell Prompt Customization and Git Setup Guide
Quelle: Who’s afraid of PowerShell security? | GoateePFE
PowerShell MVP Richard Siddaway shows how to automate administrative tasks on a large scale by working in parallel with PowerShell. This article covers PowerShell jobs, workflows and runspaces. Quelle: Parallel processing with PowerShell | TechNet UK Blog
“Around 4 years ago I wrote a blog post about how to Replace netsh with Windows PowerShell which includes basic powershell networking cmdlets. After working with Microsoft Azure, Nano Server and Containers, Powershell together with networking becomes more and more important.” Quelle: Basic Networking PowerShell cmdlets cheatsheet to replace netsh, ipconfig, nslookup and more |…
PowerShell scripter Jeff Hicks starts a series of articles on building a hot fix reporting tool. Quelle: PowerShell Problem Solver: Creating a Hot Fix Reporting Tool – Petri