Virtueller Kaffee und Themen rund um IT, Ops, Dev, Homelabs und Wolken…
Learn how to automate Proxmox LXC container cloning and infrastructure management using Terraform for quick and efficient deployment. Source: Clone Proxmox LXC Containers with Terraform Automation
Source: Essential Shortcuts for Linux Terminal 2024 💥
Get a step-by-step guide on setting up GlusterFS on Ubuntu Server for your Docker Swarm cluster or other storage needs. Source: GlusterFS configuration in Ubuntu Server 22.04 and 24.04
Learn about my recent experiment on seeing how many LXC containers I could run on a mini PC and an interesting problem I ran into Source: Almost 2000 LXC containers on a Mini PC!
Learn how to run a local LLM model and the benefits of keeping your data local. Improve data security and keep sensitive information within your business or home environment. Source: Local LLM Model in Private AI server in WSL
Learn how to install Cockpit on Ubuntu and its management capabilities. You can manage your Linux host with this free and open-source web interface tool. Source: Cockpit Ubuntu Install Configuration and Apps
Ab Juni bleibt CentOS-7-Nutzern nur die Wahl, auf die Upstream-Version zu wechseln oder sich die OpenELA-Alternativen anzusehen. Eine kleine Entscheidungshilfe. Source: Das Ende von CentOS 7 – wie geht es weiter?