Learn about Proxmox subscriptions and production support options. Discover paid subscriptions and how to change update repositories Source: Proxmox Subscription and Update Repositories Beginners Guide
Virtueller Kaffee und Themen rund um IT, Ops, Dev, Homelabs und Wolken…
Learn about Proxmox subscriptions and production support options. Discover paid subscriptions and how to change update repositories Source: Proxmox Subscription and Update Repositories Beginners Guide
Learn how to install Pi-Hole on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Server and block ads on your home network. Get step-by-step instructions on how to install it on the beta version of Ubuntu. Source: Install Pi-Hole in Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
What is Retina? Source: Introduction to Retina | Retina
Das Open-Source-Projekt für Thin-Edge-Architekturen erreicht die stabile Version 1.0. Es verbindet industrielle IoT-Endgeräte mit Cloud-Plattformen. Source: Rust-basierte Plattform thin-edge.io: Open-Source-Framework für IoT-Endgeräte
Virtuelle Maschinen im Live-Betrieb umzuziehen, kostet Nerven und Zeit. Das neue libvirt 10.0 räumt jetzt mit der post-copy-Funktion einige Steine aus dem Weg. Source: libvirt 10.0: Schnellere Live-Migration von QEMU-VMs
Discover how to enable Proxmox Nested Virtualization to help configure virtualization labs & other learning environments Source: How to Enable Proxmox Nested Virtualization