Upgrade to Proxmox 8.1 with the new software-defined networking, secure boot, bulk actions, Linux kernel, and flexible notification system. Learn how to reconfigure your update repositories. Source: Upgrade Proxmox Host to 8.1: Tutorial & Steps
Virtueller Kaffee und Themen rund um IT, Ops, Dev, Homelabs und Wolken…
Upgrade to Proxmox 8.1 with the new software-defined networking, secure boot, bulk actions, Linux kernel, and flexible notification system. Learn how to reconfigure your update repositories. Source: Upgrade Proxmox Host to 8.1: Tutorial & Steps
Learn about the Proxmox 8.1 release and new features like SDN, secure boot compatibility, and advanced notification system support Source: Proxmox 8.1 New Features and Download with Software-Defined Network and Secure Boot
Die Webentwicklung von heise online berichtet über die technischen Herausforderungen, Mastodon zu den Social Media Diensten hinzuzufügen. Source: Mastodon: Wie Heise einen föderierten Social-Media-Dienst integriert
Explore Tautulli for Plex Server: detailed analytics, user activity tracking, recently added media alerts, and easy installation guide. Source: Tautulli Plex Media Server Monitoring and Statistics
The top 10 DevOps containers that should be found in your DevOps stack, including Jenkins, Gitlab, Hashicorp Vault, ArgoCD, and others Source: Top 10 DevOps Containers in 2023
This article explains how to set up Prometheus, Node Exporter, and cAdvisor with automatic HTTPS certificates (via Caddy) and OAuth single sign-on (via Authelia). Source: Docker Monitoring With Prometheus, Automatic HTTPS & SSO Authentication • Helge Klein
Der Terraform-Anbieter HashiCorp folgt mit seinem Wechsel zur Business Source License 1.1 anderen Unternehmen wie Couchbase, Cockroach Labs und MariaDB. Source: Business Source License: HashiCorp verabschiedet sich von Open-Source-Lizenz
Weil Red Hat die Quellen seines Enterprise-Linux RHEL nicht mehr über das CentOS-Git bereitstellen will, springt die Konkurrenz nun als OpenELA in die Bresche. Source: Allianz der Red-Hat-Konkurrenz: SUSE, CIQ und Oracle gründen OpenELA
Die Open-Source-Plattform openHAB hat mit dem neuen Major-Release die Funktionsgleichheit zwischen UI-basierten und dateibasierten Konfigurationen erreicht. Source: Smart Home: openHAB 4.0 vereinheitlicht die Konfiguration
Discover OpenSCAP, the open-source security suite. How to install the scanner, use commands, content files, and enhance system security. Source: Openscap: Open Source Vulnerability and Compliance Scanner